Cahaba Valley Fire & EMR District Board Meeting Minutes

The Cahaba Valley Fire & EMR District Board meets the second Wednesday of every month at 6:00 p.m. at 145 Narrows Drive (Station 185). These documents are unofficial and are provided for your convenience. Official documents are available for pickup at 145 Narrows Drive Birmingham, AL 35242. All requests should be in advance and a fee charged for reproduction costs. Board Members: Grant Wilkinson (President), Barry Clemmons, (Secretary / Treasurer), Ron Coblentz, Tara Hill

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#1 10-13-2021 18:08:55



Cahaba Valley Fire & Emergency Medical Rescue District
145 Narrows Drive
Birmingham, Alabama 35242



Board members:       Joe Sarver, President
            Alan Reyes-Guerra, Vice President
Dr. Andrea Lamberson   
Ward Tishler       
Staff:                    Chief BuddyWilks
            Deputy Chief John Yancey
Captain Russ Bradley
Captain Grant Wilkinson

Citizens:    NONE            

Firefighters:            NONE

Other:              NONE     

-Mr. Sarver called the meeting to order at 5:57 P.M.

-The minutes from the August 11th, 2021, Board Meeting were presented. Dr. Lamberson made a motion to approve the minutes and Mr. Reyes-Guerra seconded. The motion passed by unanimous vote.

-The agenda was presented. Dr. Lamberson made a motion to approve the minutes and Mr. Reyes-Guerra seconded. The motion passed by unanimous vote.


-Chief Wilks presented the operations report (see attachment).

-August 31, 2021, Election Report- The vote failed to pass to change the fee schedule to adjust for the proposed dues increase. It was still a very positive experience and a great opportunity for the fire department to engage the community.

-Donations- Following the results of the election many from the community have reached out wanting to know what they can do to make donations. The department is looking into options to allow the public to make donations in person, by mail, and on our website. Donations will be set aside for capital purchases but cannot be counted as part of the operational budget.

-Moving the fire chief’s office to Narrows Station along with the boardroom. Future Board of Trustee Meetings will be held at 145 Narrows Drive Birmingham, AL 35242. Fire Chief is moving so that all the administrative staff are in the same building. Changes to the board meeting location will be posted at all the fire stations as well as on the department website.

-Chief Wilks met with Rex Lake Board and requested a $98,000 increase in their contract for personnel cost. Decision is pending.


- Line-Item Adjustments- The budget as a whole is in good standings, but certain line-items were over budget due to various reasons including unforeseen cost increases during the budget year, line-items that were under budgeted, and line-items that did not exist. In the last board meeting Chief Wilks brought this to the attention of the board requesting guidance on adjusting the current budget to balance the line-items. He was asked to bring the suggested changes to the board in this meeting. He presented the recommended adjustments (see attachment). Dr. Lamberson made a motion to approve the adjustments and Mr. Reyes-Guerra seconded. The motion passed by unanimous vote.

-Projected Budget Surplus






-American Express credit cards- Deputy Chief Yancey gave an update on credit card usage. All monthly bills have been removed from the credit card and are now being paid by check or bank draft through QuickBooks. The American Express balance has been paid off. Deputy Chief Yancey asked for guidance on terminating the American Express cards. This item will be readdressed in the next meeting.

-There has been a hardship request filed for 5124 Dunnavant Valley Lane Birmingham, AL 35242 Parcel ID 09 2 10 0 000 022.000. The applicant has provided adequate and proper information to be considered for hardship. The information was presented to the Board of Trustees. Dr. Lamberson made a motion to grant hardship to the applicant for the 2021-2022 budget year. Mr. Reyes-Guerra seconded, and the motion passed by unanimous vote.

-Deputy Chief Yancey presented a request from a property owner outside of the fire district who would like to contract emergency services through the CVFD. Mr. Reyes-Guerra made a motion to engage the property owner and to authorize the board president to approve the contract if the applicant agrees to the terms of the fire district. Dr. Lamberson seconded and the motion passed by unanimous vote. An update will be given once the property owner makes a decision.

-Mr. Reyes-Guerra made a motion that the board enter executive session to discuss former employee.  Dr. Lamberson seconded and all agreed. Executive session entered at 6:45 p.m.

-Mr. Reyes-Guerra made a motion that the board exit executive session.  Dr. Lamberson seconded and all agreed. Executive session exited at 7:08 p.m

- Mr. Reyes-Guerra made a motion to adjourn, Dr. Lamberson seconded., and the meeting was adjourned at 7:10 P.M.

Submitted by: ______________________________________________

Approved by: ______________________________________________


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