Cahaba Valley Fire & EMR District Board Meeting Minutes

The Cahaba Valley Fire & EMR District Board meets the second Wednesday of every month at 6:00 p.m. at 145 Narrows Drive (Station 185). These documents are unofficial and are provided for your convenience. Official documents are available for pickup at 145 Narrows Drive Birmingham, AL 35242. All requests should be in advance and a fee charged for reproduction costs. Board Members: Grant Wilkinson (President), Barry Clemmons, (Secretary / Treasurer), Ron Coblentz, Tara Hill

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#1 07-24-2023 08:26:15



Cahaba Valley Fire & Emergency Medical Rescue District
145 Narrows Drive
Birmingham, Alabama 35242

March 8, 2023

Board members:    Alan Reyes-Guerra, Vice President
Grant Wilkinson
Barry Clemmons
Ron Coblentz

Staff:                Chief Buddy Wilks, Deputy Chief John Yancey, Captain Russ Bradley,                 Captain Barry Casey

Citizens:           David Anderson, John Grainger, Billy Laechelt   

Firefighters:     NONE

Other:                  NONE
•    Mr. Reyes-Guerra called the meeting to order at 6:01 P.M.

•    The minutes from the February 8, 2023, Board Meeting were presented.  Mr. Wilkinson made a motion to approve the minutes and Mr. Clemmons seconded. The motion passed by unanimous vote.

•    The agenda was presented. Mr. Wilkinson made a motion to approve the agenda and Mr. Clemmons seconded. The motion passed by unanimous vote.

•    Remarks, inquiries, and requests from citizens
o    David Anderson- Has been involved in gaining information on methods to fund fire districts. Has reached out to state level officials to obtain information on fire districts across the state. He is having a difficult time obtaining a number for how many fire districts are in the state. Chief Wilks explained that each county has a different legislation that governs fire districts in those respective counties. Chief Wilks has been in contact with other fire district chiefs and the Alabama Fire Chiefs’ Association about this issue. Mr. Anderson expressed concern that the rate scale is limited because it does not expand past the $1.1 million point. Concerned that department is leaving roughly $40,000 uncollected based on approximately 135 homes above $1.1 million.
o    Billy Laechelt- spoke on concern of why charge the more expensive homes more than the less expensive homes. Everyone is receiving the same service.
o    John Grainger- expressed understands that rates must be raised to cover services but is concerned that it may get out of control. Expanded on thoughts of expanded the scale to capture more revenue.
Report from the Fire Chief
•    Operations Report
o    Gave report on incident reports for the month of February 2023.
o    New Engine 185 has been delivered and is in service.
o    New (used) KME ladder truck from Pennsylvania planned arrival is last week of March 2023- Batt. Chief Gaither is working on shipping quotes.
o    AFG equipment grant awarded- CVFD was notified that we received the AFG Grant for possibly five cardiac monitors, ambulance Powerload ® stretcher loading systems, …
o    SAFER Grant application is in the final phase and will be submitted within the next several days.
o    Dunnavant and Vandiver responses- What is the future of responses to these areas? Contract renews October 1, 2023 with Shelby County. Board needs to prepare to discuss in a future meeting.

•    Financial Report
o    Financial Report presented. Capt. Bradley explained that the financial report will change starting next month based on recommendations of the auditor.
o    Financial
o    Equipment
o    Policy
o    Sick Leave Bank Policy-
o    Limited Duty Policy- Mr. Wilkinson made a motion to table policies until next meeting, Mr. Reyes-Guerra seconded.
o    EMS

Unresolved Business
•    District Vote
o    Chief Yancey gave update on state of the election ….

New Business
•    Brookwood Hospital Transport Agreement- Brookwood approached multiple transporting agency in the area about transporting critical patients from the Freestanding Emergency Room to the main campus. These agencies would be used when private ambulances are unavailable for the transfer of critical patients. This agreement would allow CVFD to bill Brookwood for the transport of the patient. Mr. Clemmons made a motion to approve the contract and Mr. Wilkinson seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
•    Update on the District’s Governmental Non-Profit status- working with CVFD lawyer to process the paperwork to gain the correct status.
•    Resolution for Late Fire Dues- Gives the CVFD lawyer authority to process and collect on late dues. Structures our Mr. Coblentz made a motion to approve and Mr. Wilkinson seconded. Motion approved unanimously.
•    Alabama Medicaid Transport Tax- Capt. Casey gave explanation the document. Line item to added to budget.
•    Alabama Mutual Aid Consortium- Chief Wilks gave explanation. Allows agencies across the state to offer and receive aid with specific resources during large scale made-man and natural disasters. Mr. Clemmons made a motion and Mr. Coblentz seconded. Motion carried.
•    Approval to accept AFG Equipment grant and $37,082.82 in matching funds from Acct 53002 Firefighting Equipment and Acct 53004 Medical/EMS Supplies. Mr. Coblentz made a motion to approve and Mr. Clemmons seconded. Motion carried.
•    Auditor suggestions for accountability of financials. Wants to appoint a board member to review financial check lists monthly with bookkeeper and
•    Capt. Bradley presented audit engagement letter.
•    Hardship request, Board requests more information.
•    Appointment of Officers- Mr. Sarver is stepping down as Board President, Mr. Clemmons nominated Grant Wilkinson, Mr. Coblentz seconded. Mr. Clemmons nominated Alana Reyes-Guerra as Vice President, Grant Wilkinson seconded, Alan Reyes-Guerra nominated Barry Clemmons as Treasurer/Sec, Mr. Coblentz seconded.

Motion to adjourn- Mr. Coblentz. made motion to dismiss and Mr. Clemmons. seconded 7:51 P.M.

Submitted by: _______________________________________

Approved by: ________________________________________


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