Cahaba Valley Fire & EMR District Board Meeting Minutes

The Cahaba Valley Fire & EMR District Board meets the second Wednesday of every month at 6:00 p.m. at 145 Narrows Drive (Station 185). These documents are unofficial and are provided for your convenience. Official documents are available for pickup at 145 Narrows Drive Birmingham, AL 35242. All requests should be in advance and a fee charged for reproduction costs. Board Members: Grant Wilkinson (President), Barry Clemmons, (Secretary / Treasurer), Ron Coblentz, Tara Hill

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#1 12-13-2023 18:51:38



Cahaba Valley Fire & Emergency Medical Rescue District
145 Narrows Drive
Birmingham, Alabama 35242

September 13, 2023

Board Members:    Grant Wilkinson, President
Barry Clemmons
Tara Hill

Staff:             Chief Buddy Wilks, Deputy Chief John Yancey, Captain Casey and                 Captain Bradley

Citizens:        None

Firefighters:         BC Gunnels

Other:             None

Mr. Wilkinson called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M.

The minutes from the August 10, 2023, Board Meeting were presented. Mr. Clemmons made a correction to the attendance and motioned to approve the minutes and Mrs. Hill seconded. The motion passed by unanimous vote.

The agenda was presented. Mr. Clemmons made a motion to approve the agenda and Mrs. Hill seconded. The motion passed by unanimous vote.

Report from the Fire Chief
•    6 new members have started to work, 5 in recruit school
•    2 members completed paramedic school and passed National Registry
•    3 others in paramedic school currently- scheduled to graduate in December 2023, May 2024, and July 2024.
•    State Mutual Aid Consortium – Engine Strike Team, Ambulance Strike Team- CVFD is a member and is subject to deployment and can also receive aid as needed.
•    State Incident Management Team – Chief Wilks has been asked to serve on this team and will be involved in a training exercise in October 2023.
•    October Functional Exercise – Wildland Search Team
•    Fire Property Tax legislation for the county is being drafted- CVFD is not leading this legislation
•    Strategic Plan committee meeting September 18-19- Working to update the Strategic Plan

•    Operations Report
o    Attached report.

Financial Report
o    Meeting with Valley Bank- reviewed accounts to ensure the District is benefitting from the products the bank offers
o    Station 181 renovations- talking about possibilities of remodeling versus rebuilding. Working with contractors to get a general cost of both.
o    Change bank account to a higher interest rate
•    Attached report.

o    Sutphen Ladder not worth refurbishing.

•    None

Unresolved Business
•    FY 24 Budget-Discussed the proposed budget. Mr. Clemmons made a motion to the budget as submitted, Mrs. Hill seconded the motion and the motion to approve the budget passed unanimously.
•    FY24 PayScale- Mr. Clemmons made a motion to the new pay scale as submitted, Mrs. Hill seconded the motion and the motion to approve the new pay scale passed unanimously.
•    Website-Discussed changes to the website. Want to freshen up the home page. Add a page for board members and a contact email. Add a financials page.

New Business

•    Rex Lake Contract
•    Permission to sell Sutphen Ladder Truck- Mrs. Hill made motion to sale, Mr. Clemmons seconded and motion passed.
•    Approval to change bank account interest rate- Mrs. Hill made a motion to approve the Treasure and fire chief to engage the bank to adjust accounts to gain higher interest rates. Mr. Wilkinson seconded and the motion passed.
•    Approval to begin consulting with contractors for cost of renovating Station 181- Mrs. Hill, seconded by Mr. Clemmons motion passed
•    Discussed baby drop boxes
•    Pinning ceremony- TBD
•    Christmas Party- evening of December 3, 2023
•    Posting board meeting to social media
•    Reaching out to media to publish a story on the new hires, placing Rescue 181 back in service.

The meeting adjourned at 7:42p.m. Mrs. Hill  made a motion to adjourn, and Mr. Clemmons  seconded, and the meeting was adjourned.

Submitted by: _______________________________________

Approved by: ________________________________________


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