Cahaba Valley Fire & EMR District Board Meeting Minutes

The Cahaba Valley Fire & EMR District Board meets the second Wednesday of every month at 6:00 p.m. at 145 Narrows Drive (Station 185). These documents are unofficial and are provided for your convenience. Official documents are available for pickup at 145 Narrows Drive Birmingham, AL 35242. All requests should be in advance and a fee charged for reproduction costs. Board Members: Grant Wilkinson (President), Barry Clemmons, (Secretary / Treasurer), Ron Coblentz, Tara Hill

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#1 08-10-2023 18:05:56



Cahaba Valley Fire & Emergency Medical Rescue District
145 Narrows Drive
Birmingham, Alabama 35242

July 12, 2023

Board Members:    Grant Wilkinson, President
Alan Reyes-Guerra
Barry Clemmons
Ron Coblentz
Tara Hill

Staff:             Chief Buddy Wilks, Deputy Chief John Yancey, and Captain Russ Bradley

Citizens:           Billy Laechelt

Firefighters:         Battalion Chief Taylor Gunnels

Other:             None

Mr. Wilkinson called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M.

The minutes from the June 14, 2023, Board Meeting were presented. Mr. Reyes-Guerra made a correction to the attendance and motioned to approve the minutes and Mr. Clemons seconded. The motion passed by unanimous vote.

The agenda was presented. Mr. Coblentz made a motion to approve the agenda and Mr. Reyes-Guerra seconded. The motion passed by unanimous vote.

Mr. Clemmons made a motion to suspend the agenda to allow for Tara Hill to be sworn in. Mr. Reyes-Guerra seconded. The motion passed by unanimous vote. The meeting agenda resumed after Tara Hill was sworn in.

Remarks, inquiries, and requests from citizens- Billy Laechelt had a question about how board positions are filled. Mr. Wilkinson explained how positions are filled according to Alabama state law.

Report from the Fire Chief
o    Reviewed Operations Report
o    New RMS- Chief Yancey gave a report on swapping to a new Records Management System. Swapping will improve data tracking and management and reduce software costs by approximately $16,000 annually.
o    Mid-year Report- Chief Wilks presented the mid-year incident report.
o    Narrows fire fatality- Deputy Chief Yancey gave an update on the Narrow’s residential structure fire.
o    Legislative changes- Chief Wilks asked the Board to review the suggested changes that were presented at the last meeting.
•    Operations Report
o    Attached report.

Financial Report
•    Attached report.
•    2024 billing statements have been sent to the printer.
•    Fitness Policy- Mr. Reyes-Guerra made a motion to pass the Fitness Policy, Mr. Coblentz seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
•    Firefighter Job Description- Presented the new job description to the Board. The Board is reviewing the first presentation. Will vote on it in the August meeting.

•    New Res 184 in the final stages will need to add $5,000 to complete graphics. Mr. Reyes-Guerra made a motion to approve up to $5,000 to complete the graphics, Mr. Clemmons second and the motion passed unanimously.
•    Sutphen Ladder at Williams Fire for motor repair- will have an evaluation on complete refurbishment or harvest program- how much do we want to invest in this truck?
•    None

Unresolved Business

New Business

•    New Board member swearing-in- Tara Hill
•    Approval of Military Leave Policy- First presentation of the revision to the policy. Mr. Coblentz made a motion to pass the Military Leave Policy, Mr. Reyes-Guerra seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
•    Discussed the security of the fire stations due to recent events in Birmingham. Will be looking into areas to improve the security of our fire stations.
•    Move the next meeting to August 10, 2023, due to scheduling conflicts. Need to post a change of date. Mr. Reyes-Guerra made a motion to move the meeting to August 10th, 2023 at 6 p.m., Mr. Clemmons seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
•    Conversation about recognizing C Shift for donating off time to sick firefighter.
•    Captain Bradley presented a credit card account issue. Capt. Bradley received a statement for a credit card that the department was unaware existed. The statement shows a zero balance and has no historical charges. Captain Bradley will contact the company to cancel the account.

The meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m. Mr. Coblentz made a motion to adjourn, and Mr. Reyes-Guerra seconded, and the meeting was adjourned.

Submitted by: _______________________________________

Approved by: ________________________________________


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