Cahaba Valley Fire & EMR District
2020 Special Election

The vote passed. The fee schedule has been updated to reflect the changes. See the Fire Dues page for current fee schedule.

You spoke and we listened.

During 2019 all members of the Cahaba Valley EMR Fire District were sent surveys as an opportunity to express your thoughts and ideas for the future of the District. After those were returned, a strategic committee was created to consolidate and evaluate the surveys. From this, the 2020-2025 Strategic Plan was developed. We are now to the point of putting the Strategic Plan into action. Like many things finances are important and to that end, the Board of Cahaba Valley Fire and EMR District has successfully petitioned the court to hold an election for changes in our service rate schedule.

When is the election?

  • Tuesday, September 1, 2020 from 7:00am to 7:00pm

Where is the election being held?

  • The Church at Brook Hills, 3145 Brook Highland Parkway, Birmingham, Alabama 35242 (at Student Center in the lower back parking lot. Not at the main building.)

Who can vote?

  • All registered voters who live within the District.

Supporting Documents

Strategic Plan
Probate Order for Election
Appointment of Poll Workers
Press Release
Sample Ballot
District Map
Strategic Plan

Click link to view PDF—>  CVFD Strategic Plan

Probate Order for Election

Click link to view —> ORDER_AND_NOTICE_OF_ELECT

Appointment of Poll Workers


Press Release

Click link to view —> Press release – 20200731 Final

Sample Ballot

Click link to view —> Sample_Ballot

District Map
View larger map


Click link to view —>

  2. 280LivingArticle08-02-2020
  3. AlabamaSecretaryofStateUpComingElections
  5. SCR-081620-B09
  6. SCR-081620-B06
  7. SCR-081620-B07

What major changes are being proposed in this election?

  • Hotel / Motel annual service fees The two hotels/motels in the District will have their annual service fee updated to be $100.00 per hotel room and $0.1680/sq. ft. for office and common areas.
  • Apartment complex service fees The eight apartment complexes in the District will have their annual service fee updated to be $320.00 per apartment unit and $0.1680/sq. ft. for apartment offices and Clubhouses.

What is staying the same?

  • All other current service fee schedules are remaining the same. The above-mentioned changes are the only items listed in the election. The election will be a simple up/down vote for these proposed changes.

What will the additional funds be used for?

  • As stated above, the District is moving forward with the Strategic Plan based on the needs expressed by you, the residents. We will follow this plan and move forward to provide the services and other needs to make the District better for you, the District members. Please take a moment to read the Strategic Plan for the district ,which can found on this page under Supporting Documents.