We serve a great community

The Cahaba Valley Fire and EMR District was formed October 1st, 1982 as a volunteer organization providing services to a largely undeveloped section of the Highway 280 corridor in northeastern Shelby County. The first paid firefighters began working in January 1987. The first paid fire chief began in 1990 and in 1993 services were provided to the Rex Lake Fire District.


More About Your Fire District

How do we compare to surrounding communities?
In this presentation you will find information about the origins of the fire district, milestones, insurance ratings, call volume & increased requests, answers to common questions, trends, revenue sources, expenses, and much more.

The Cahaba Valley Fire and EMR District provides fire suppression and emergency medical services including transport to approximately 25,000 customers as well as thousands of drivers traveling the Highway 280 corridor each day. Responding from four stations, the men and women of CVFD answer around 3,500 calls for assistance each year. The department’s response area is a mix of residential and commercial property located in the northern section of the county. CVFD provides protection to many subdivisions including Brook Highland, Highland Lakes, Highland Village, Eagle Point, Shoal Creek, The Narrows, Smyer Lake, Fowler Lake, Holly Brook Lake, and to the town of Mt. Laurel. Today, there are 18 full-time employees, 27 part time employees, 3 volunteers, and 16 with the Resident “Live-in” Program that trains firefighters for professional fire and EMS certification. The Fire District is governed by a five-member Board of Trustees who are residents of the Fire District. The Board members are elected to four-year terms and serve without compensation.

Detailed break down of February 2023 Runs

some cool facts

2023 Number of responses to date

Total Incidents
Times per month where multiple calls are occurring simultaneously
Structure Fires
Brush Fires
Vehicle Fires
Other Fires
E.M.S. Calls
Motor Vehicle Crashes
Service / Other Hazardous Conditions / False Alarms / Other

Cahaba Valley Fire District Map

Communities we serve