Cahaba Valley Fire & Emergency Medical Rescue District
145 Narrows Drive
Birmingham, Alabama 35242
February 14, 2024
Roll Call- 6:00 pm Grant Wilkinson, Barry Clemmons, Alan Reyes-Guerra, Tara Hill, Ron Coblentz
Fire Chief Buddy Wilks, Deputy Chief John Yancey, Capt. Bradley
Adoption of the Outstanding Minutes- Mr. Coblentz made a motion to adopt the outstanding minutes, Mr. Reyes-Guerra seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
Adoption of the Agenda- Mr. Coblentz made a motion to suspend the agenda and Mr. Reyes-Guerra seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
Remarks, inquiries, and requests from citizens
Report from the Fire Chief
- Significant Injury- Discussed in executive session.
- Hostile Workplace complaint- Discussed in executive session.
Financial Report
Committee Report
- Financial
- Audit- 2022 is in the wrap-up phase and then will move into the 2023 audit.
- Equipment
- New Ambulance- Demers notified CVFD that the ambulance that was scheduled to be delivered in April 2024 has been pushed back to August 2025. Staff began looking for alternatives.
- Policy
- Employment Termination- Mr. Reyes-Guerra made a motion to approve the policy with the corrections. Mrs. Hill seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
Unresolved Business
- Rex Lake Contract with leasing the fire truck – 5% of the total fee- Update, still reviewing and will submit to the attorney for legal review.
- RFP for billing software- Gave update from the committee. The document review is complete and will prepare the document to send out for bid.
New Business
- Approval for Chief Wilks and Yancey to travel to CFSI in Washington DC. Cost of Flight ($1,384), 2 meals ($200), and hotel ($1,017)
- NEW- Ethics training- Mr. Coblentz asked for clarification on how to complete the training. Capt. Casey explained to the Board how to access and complete the online training.
- NEW- Birmingham Water Works rate increase- Move to an agenda item for the March 13, 2024, meeting.
- NEW- Capt. Bradley brought up an accounting practice that other fire districts use to process service fee reimbursements for overpayments. Capt. Bradley will present a resolution at the March 13, 2024, meeting.
EXECUTION SESSION: Entered at 6:45, Mr. Wilkinson made a motion to enter executive session, Mr. Clemmons seconded. Mr. Wilkinson- YEA, Mr. Reyes-Gurra- YEA, Mrs. Hill- YEA, Mr. Clemmons- YEA, and Mr. Coblentz- YEA. Mr. Coblentz made a motion to exit the executive session and Mr. Reyes-Guerra seconded. The board voted to exit session at 7:41 pm.
Mr. Coblentz made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Mr. Reyes-Guerra seconded, the meeting concluded at 7:41 pm.